Continuing CareNutrition and Supplement Protocol
Nutrition Tips for Your Continued Journey
At the heart of a healthy, vibrant life is a healthy, vibrant diet that is rich in organic, nutrient-dense and whole (unprocessed) foods. The following suggestions will support you as you continue to heal, revitalize and nurture yourself—Body, Mind, Spirit, and Soul. It is important to connect with an integrative health care practitioner to address your specific needs and health goals.
Eat alkalizing, fresh vegetables, like arugula, cucumber, spinach, and cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, and collard greens. Vegetables can be eaten raw, steamed, sautéed, and juiced. Green powders made of concentrated grasses, sprouts, and green vegetables can be incorporated into your daily diet for added nutritional value and increased healing.
If you choose to eat meat, opt for antibiotic-free, grass-fed, free-range, humanely raised animal products…even better if you can connect with a local rancher. Knowing the source of your food deepens the connection with your food. The commonly agreed-upon portion size equals the circumference and depth of your palm.
Choose low-glycemic fruits like blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries, and eat higher glycemic index fruits, like mangoes, pineapple, black grapes, and bananas, in moderation. It is important to note here that root vegetables (sweet potatoes, white potatoes, beets, and carrots) are high in starch, which converts to glucose and can have a larger impact on blood sugar.
Incorporate healthy fats including coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, and nuts and seeds (limit/eliminate nuts and seeds if they are difficult to digest). Omega-3 fats are important for optimum brain, heart, and nerve function.
Include probiotic foods to optimize digestive and overall health by maintaining healthy gut flora in the GI tract. Probiotics, including Greek yogurt, kefir, pickled vegetables, sauerkraut, miso, kimchi, apple cider vinegar, raw, and unpasteurized cheese, boost physical and emotional well-being, support detoxification, and improve nutrient assimilation. Prebiotics, including raw Jerusalem artichokes, raw dandelion greens, raw garlic, raw and cooked onions, and raw asparagus, promote the health of beneficial gut bacteria.
Add fiber to your daily meals, such as flax seeds, chia seeds, and rice bran.
Eliminate inflammatory foods that create inflammation in the gut, therefore creating inflammation in the brain leading to mood imbalances (anxiety, depression, mood swings, brain fog). Inflammatory ingredients to avoid include sugar, caffeine, gluten, preservatives, aspartame, artificial flavorings/colors, refined grains, and processed foods.
Stay hydrated with plenty of pure, filtered water (the commonly agreed-upon amount is ½ your body weight in ounces).
Engage is regular exercise as it supports health on every level. Even a gentle walk for 20 minutes a day is effective for proper circulation, healthy lymphatic flow, and raises endorphin levels.
Bless your food and practice mindfulness while eating. Give gratitude for the plants and animals that are about to nourish you. Be thoughtful in what you eat, the textures and flavors, and how you feel during and after eating. Notice any emotions that arise.
Daily Maintenance
Please discuss this with your integrative health practitioner.
DHA and EPA (docosahexaenoic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid) are omega-3 fatty acids important for brain healing and health, especially healing the hippocampus (responsible for elevating short into long-term memory and is one of the few areas of the brain where completely new neurons can grow). They’re found in nuts, seeds, and fish, however, today most of our fish is farm-raised and devoid of omega-3s. Supplements are recommended.
Probiotics repopulates and resettles healthy flora in the gut and facilitates digestion. It’s important to use different, high-quality probiotics to build and maintain a diverse colony of gut flora.
Coconut Oil is rocket fuel for the brain. Use 1 teaspoon – 1 tablespoon in the morning. Be sure to buy certified organic oil, preferably packed in a glass container.
Honorable Mentions
Please discuss this with your integrative health practitioner.
Curcumin is the active ingredient found in turmeric that activates the body’s antioxidant response. Anti-inflammatory and protects cells against free radicals. Be sure to take it in liposomal form.
Vitamin D3 is essential for bone health and has been proven to reduce symptoms of depression and diabetes. Most Americans are Vitamin D deficient.
Vitamin B12 is necessary for liver detoxification and cell growth. Most Americans are deficient in vitamin B12. For maximum absorption, take sublingual methylcobalamin.
L-glutamine is beneficial in curbing sugar and alcohol cravings. During times of intense cravings, take 500mg 3-4 / day.
Magnesium citrate encourages bowel movements to eliminate waste, as well as, relaxes the muscles.
Annual Cleansing & Rejuvenating
Please discuss this with your integrative health practitioner.
It is helpful to deeply detoxify your body 1-2 times a year, depending upon your lifestyle and where you live. If you live in a dense, urban area, 2-3 times a year is ideal. Bring the following four supplements into your daily routine for 5-7 days. Limit animal products (excluding eggs), root vegetables (beets, sweet potatoes, carrots), and grains during this time and incorporate daily dry brushing, salt baths, and far-infrared sauna sessions.
NFR2 Activator supports the body’s natural detoxification pathways, enhancing the effectiveness of free radical scavengers.
S-acetyl Glutathione was coined the “Mother of All Antioxidants” by Dr. Mark Hyman. It is a peptide consisting of three key amino acids that plays several vital roles in the body. Toxins bind to glutathione like glue, which is then carried from the body via bowel movements.
COQ10 is used by cells to produce energy the body needs for cell growth and maintenance. It also serves as an antioxidant, protecting the body from free radical damage.
Alpha-lipoic acid removes heavy metals and toxins from the brain tissue.
Additional Support Resources:
Center for Addiction Nutrition – Victoria Abel, MA, MNT, CAN
Nutrition Therapy Institute