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Holistic Alcohol Abuse Treatment

We understand what alcohol addiction feels like:

  • The hopelessness,
  • The depression,
  • The crisis,
  • The anxiety,
  • The dark night of the soul,
  • The uncontrollable downward spiral.

We’ve been there. And if you’re there now, you’re not alone. The Sanctuary at Sedona is a luxury alcohol rehabilitation center nestled among the red rock hills of Arizona. While you’re here, we teach you how to heal from alcohol addiction and reclaim what this disease has stolen from you. Our holistic non-12 Step treatment facility focuses on how to treat alcohol addiction naturally, perfectly blending research-based addiction medicine and Indigenous wisdom traditions to create a transformational experience.

Break Free From Alcohol Addiction

The Sanctuary at Sedona founder Dean Taraborelli discusses our unique non-12 Step program for alcohol addiction recovery and trauma healing.

Table of Contents:

What is Alcohol Addiction? | Who is at Risk for Alcohol Addiction? | Types of Alcohol Addiction? | How to Heal From Alcohol Use Disorder | Holistic Alcohol Addiction Treatment | How Our Alcohol Treatment Center Empowers You Over Alcohol Addiction | What to Expect During Alcohol Addiction Recovery | How to Make Sure Alcohol Addiction Treatment is Effective

What Is Alcohol Addiction?

Over 20 million people struggle with substance use disorders in the U.S. alone. Of those, 80% are battling alcohol addiction. Although alcohol is the third leading cause of preventable death and disability in the U.S., risky drinking behavior is hugely normalized. Over two-thirds of our adult population drinks alcohol, and 25% of that population binge drinks. And as you’ve probably come to realize, drinking can ramp up into an addiction much quicker than you think — until one day you realize it’s taken over your life.

Commonly called alcoholism, this form of addiction can take hold of anyone from any background. Alcohol addiction shows itself in various ways. Uncontrolled drinking. Constantly thinking of your next drink. Intense cravings that feel overwhelming. Painful alcohol withdrawal symptoms whenever you try to cut back or quit.

Alcohol addiction is a disease, but it’s not incurable. If you’ve tried everything to stop the chronic relapses and the suffering it all entails, but still keep coming back to square one, recovery can start seeming like a lost cause.

But it’s not. It may just be time to try something new.

Here at The Sanctuary, we offer holistic treatment for alcoholism. We’ve built a unique, cutting-edge alcohol recovery program that goes beyond managing symptoms and into complete recovery. Our holistic residential alcohol rehab offers a complete healing journey, designed to move you from one phase of life into the next — one in which you’re truly and finally free.

Who is at Risk for Alcohol Addiction?

There are a plethora of causes of alcohol addiction, and these vary from person to person. While anyone can become addicted to alcohol, some risk factors may create more of a predisposition for some people. These can include:

  • A family history of alcohol or other substance abuse problems
  • Intergenerational trauma and mental health issues
  • A social environment in which peers are heavily drinking
  • The age when you begin using alcohol (Studies show that when you start drinking as a teen, you’re likelier to develop a higher tolerance and normalize drinking more.)

Children of parents with alcohol abuse problems have a higher likelihood of developing alcohol dependence. It’s also common for extended families to show patterns of alcohol use disorder overall, either throughout a family or within generations.

It is possible to carry some genetic predisposition for alcohol or other substance abuse disorders. But while this used to be thought of as an unchangeable part of life, new science is emerging that tells us this can, in fact, be overcome. This includes:


Epigenetics is the science of our ability to affect our genetic expression. Through our thoughts, feelings, actions and habits, we can affect which genes are activated. Using our knowledge of this, we can act in ways that switch off the genes that create illness and addiction, and switch on the genes that create wellness and health.

Neuroplasticity and Neurogenesis

This is the science of our brain’s ability to grow and change. Over time, our neural networks become locked into certain ways of thinking and feeling. With addiction, this can lead to disease and other negative health outcomes. But by changing our brainwaves through meditation, and encouraging brain health with nutrient-rich foods and supplements, we create entirely new potential for change.

You may be at risk for alcohol addiction, but you can also heal yourself in ways you never thought possible.

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Is There More Than One Type of Alcohol Addiction?

In the conventional understanding of addiction, there are several subtypes of alcoholism categorized by different levels of alcohol consumption and dependence:

Functional Alcoholism

When someone who’s struggling with alcohol addiction is still able to hold down their job and otherwise maintain their responsibilities, this is referred to in the rehab community as “functional alcoholism.” Among this group, drinking and alcohol dependence tend to start later on in life. Denial is also powerful among those who are able to point to what often seems on the outside like a highly successful life — making it more difficult for them to get help.

Chronic Severe Alcoholism

While people in this group make up the smallest percentage of those who struggle with alcohol addiction, they’re the most likely to experience co-occurring disorders like major depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, and social phobias. They also tend to incur the most severe consequences of alcohol abuse, like divorce, emergency room visits, and acute withdrawals.

Young Adult Alcoholism

Young adult alcoholism occurs among those who start drinking during their teen years, which tends to lead to dependence in their early 20s. People in this group may drink less frequently, but binge drink when they do. They’re also not likely to seek treatment for alcohol addiction.

Other types of formally diagnosed alcohol addiction include intermediate familial alcoholism and young antisocial alcoholism.

How to Heal From Alcohol Use Disorder

Ultimately, what’s important isn’t your diagnosis. No matter what substance you’re addicted to, the mechanism behind it is the same: addiction is an external means to fill an internal void. And it’s through shedding light on hidden parts of yourself to identify the real root of the problem and making deep, transformative changes, that true recovery can be obtained.

At The Sanctuary, we understand that addiction itself is a symptom of a deeper problem. Our holistic non-12-Step treatment for alcohol addiction addresses the symptoms of your addiction, but it also goes much further than that and empowers you to make changes at the site where your addiction originates.

What Are the Basics of Holistic Alcohol Addiction Treatment?

The term “holistic” refers to something that’s “concerned with wholes or with complete systems rather than with the analysis of, treatment of, or dissection into parts.” You are a whole person, made of multiple, interconnected systems. And alcohol addiction affects every one of these.

Conventional alcohol rehab tends to focus mainly on the psychological, and perhaps some of the emotional, effects of addiction. Recently, more alcohol rehab programs have been adding complementary therapies like yoga and meditation to their otherwise standard schedule of programming.

But we believe that in order for treatment to be truly holistic, it needs to involve an integrated approach to healing your mind, body, soul, and spirit. And here at The Sanctuary, we do so using multifaceted healing techniques. Our dedicated team of therapists works together to combine these into a holistic non-12 Step alcohol rehab program that’s completely customized to you. This comprehensive, holistic approach to sobriety and healing treats the following:

The Mind

We offer psychiatric and psychological therapy of the highest standards of clinical excellence. Clients at The Sanctuary receive at least one individual therapy session every day, which is far above the average at alcohol rehab (usually around twice a week). Our clinicians also possess a deep understanding of healing methodologies like functional medicine, acupuncture, and herbalism. They understand the archetypal constructs of the mind and exactly how this fits into the rest of your alcohol recovery journey at The Sanctuary.

The Body

Trauma is held in the body, and our thoughts and beliefs manifest as physical symptoms. At The Sanctuary, we begin treatment by calming your nervous system, which takes you out of your anxious state and prepares you to receive a deeper level of treatment. This entails a diet of cleansing, nutrient-dense food, bodywork for releasing trauma on a physical level, and eco-therapy for restoring your body’s natural rhythms and balance.

The Soul

Your soul is the most authentic, core part of yourself. It thrives on creativity, connection, and belonging. The things that make us human are all in the soul – and these things become damaged in the toxic processes of addiction. We provide space, resources, and guidance for connecting with your soul through avenues like creative expression, ceremony, and rituals that restore this relationship.

The Spirit

You not only have a physical body, but also an energy body. This field surrounds you and also connects to a larger, collective energetic field. Sometimes addictions arise as a result of a toxic imprint in this field. Our experienced Energy Medicine practitioners are experts in helping you release any toxicities in this field, therefore restoring it to a state of clarity. They’re also able to guide you on profound inward journeys specifically related to each stage of your healing process.

Taken together, all of these components create a powerful synergy. Each aspect has an important role in your experience of healing from alcohol addiction, and each comes in at a certain time as you’re guided along a path to self-discovery, healing, and eliminating trauma.

The mind-body-soul-spirit connection is increasingly being proven by science. And the chances of sustainable recovery from alcohol addiction are far greater when we utilize processes that address this connection, rather than merely involving it as an afterthought.

Holistic therapies are calming and balancing and can help soothe symptoms of alcohol addiction to make you more receptive to treatment. But each of them alone is not complete. Reaching a state of being recovered requires an integrated, holistic alcohol addiction treatment model that moves you.

How Our Alcohol Treatment Center Empowers You Over Alcohol Addiction

At The Sanctuary, our view of alcohol treatment differs from 12-Step philosophy mainly in that we believe you’re actually capable of being free from addiction. As such, our approach to treatment is based on this possibility. Rather than seeing you as sick or powerless over your addiction, we facilitate a journey of empowerment in which you play an active and decisive role.

This journey involves the following steps:

1. Shedding the Past

The first stage of your journey entails identifying beliefs you’ve developed over time about who you are. This includes your coping strategies, your needs, and your relationships with those around you. This process helps you to identify not only what needs to be shed to make room for new growth, but also the strengths and gifts we’ll focus on developing.

2. Identifying Hidden Barriers

We all have shadows within ourselves — and as long as they remain hidden, they continue to exert their control over our lives. This stage of the journey shines new light on dark areas of the self, so you can begin to see them more clearly and change your relationship with them. This also empowers you to see your traumas and addictions for what they are, rather than as part of you.

3. Connecting to Your Passion

Now that you’ve cleared away negative aspects, it’s time to reintegrate the positive ones. This stage of the journey calls back the parts of yourself that have been lost to alcohol addiction so that the fullness of your being can come back online. This is where you’ll start to step out of a framework of limitation, and into one where all things are possible. This empowers you to envision your future in a whole new way.

4. Envisioning a New Life

The final stage of this healing process is all about connecting with your life’s purpose and putting what you’ve learned into action. Here you’ll take a larger picture view of your life and begin laying the groundwork for making your vision a reality.

As the work of personal progress is never complete, this entire journey may be undertaken more than once in your life. The process you’ll experience at The Sanctuary is designed to provide you with the tools not only to overcome addiction but to live a fulfilling and exciting life that’s entirely true to you.

Alcohol Addiction Recovery: What to Expect

Here’s an idea of what you can expect at The Sanctuary:

Our Campus

Our beautiful holistic alcohol rehab center sits on 22 acres just outside of Sedona, Arizona, surrounded by national forests. Our hiking trails, garden, sauna, soaking tubs, and various ceremonial areas provide space for you to spend quiet time and relax into your recovery journey. Our comfortable beds with cotton linens and the quietude of the surrounding nature help you sleep restfully. Our kitchen serves vibrant, alive, cell-nourishing foods in a meal plan designed to promote recovery.

While you’re here, you’ll have a full schedule of therapeutic activities and 24/7 access to staff should you need it, but you’ll also have enough downtime to focus on your own needs. We also have a library center full of resource materials and a private office for those who need to attend to personal business.

Our Team

Our team consists of therapists and healing practitioners from a variety of backgrounds, each of whom is a respected professional in their own field. Their years of practice allow them to bring intuition, empathy, and creativity into their work with you to make sure it’s as effective as possible. Our therapists don’t view their work at The Sanctuary as a “job,” but as their life’s calling — and as such, they bring their full presence and attention into each of your deeply transformative sessions.

Together, our team customizes every step in a completely personalized treatment plan designed to lead you to sustainable transformation. We practice deep listening and share what we see in a way that’s sensitive and constructive. Your comfort is always a priority — even if you have no prior experience with holistic therapies, we’ll be sure to convey information in a way that makes sense to you.

Our Community

Part of what makes the Sanctuary experience so healing is our comfortable family atmosphere. Our day-to-day activities take place in the context of inclusive community spirit. Staff and clients eat meals together, form friendships, and talk about what’s coming up. There’s no impersonal patient-therapist barrier here. We see you as an equal and treat you with the respect and autonomy you deserve. We consider you an important part of our community, and our relationship is based on trust.

Because of this, our clients genuinely want to be here. In fact, many people who complete our program come back to mentor others and offer their support. Seeing these examples of growth and resilience all around you helps you to understand that it’s possible for yourself. And the depth and genuineness of your bonds with people here provide a reference point for creating healthy relationships in your own life.

Our former clients describe The Sanctuary as:

“Less like a rehab and more like a life rejuvenation center.”

“A place like none other on Earth, or at least in the United States. A place of complete honesty and caring, intuitive counselors, safe environment, lots of room for growth and development.”

How to Make Sure Alcohol Addiction Treatment is Effective

Are you ready to move beyond your addiction, your trauma, and your past?

The greatest contribution you can make to the success of your healing process is your willingness. Having an open mind will allow you to more easily part ways with patterns you’ve been stuck in and embrace new, more rewarding ways of being.

Research shows that personal satisfaction during rehab is a strong motivator to stay in treatment, which is why complementary therapies play such an important role in holistic alcohol treatment. Healing methods like eco-therapy, bodywork, and recovery-focused nutrition help your mind, body, and spirit to hold the changes they’re undergoing. While you’ll undoubtedly be doing challenging work in some aspects of your treatment, others will ensure you’re as comfortable as possible in the process — and this makes it all the more desirable to see it through to completion.

Rather than treating only one or two aspects of your addiction, we offer a fully immersive experience that allows you to experience a completely new way of living. This holistic alcohol rehab program offers:

  • A full reset
  • Time for your new habits and routines to gain traction
  • A chance to carry these into the rest of your life

Because of our small size, we’re able to provide you with a high degree of personal attention. We accept a maximum of 10 guests at any given time, which lends itself to an intimate, unintimidating setting. And because you have access to more individual care with us, you’ll have even more opportunities for advancement and growth.

Here, your progress is a team effort, from the beginning to the end of your time in treatment. We strive to maintain consistent relationships, and everyone you come into contact with knows where they fit into your story. Each one of us is invested in your wellbeing. We want to see you succeed.

What Else You Should Know About Holistic Alcohol Addiction Treatment

Many people who come to The Sanctuary tell us that this is their last hope. And we completely understand.

But we also see the core changes in those people when they start to go through this process. Instead of reflecting the fears, worries, panic, and depression, they’ve been caught in, their lives start to reflect the beautiful inner work they’re doing. They say yes; they wake up to life; they want to get out of bed in the morning.

We witness the possibilities this journey creates, and we know that the changes you desire are possible for you.

We’ve created a holistic alcohol rehab center where it’s possible to shift what’s underneath the issues that brought you here through modern science in a proven holistic program.

Our alumni had this to say about the effectiveness of their journey with us:

“This place has transformed me into the person I’ve always wanted to be. It’s given me the ability to believe in myself and go after what I now call endless possibilities.”

“After many failed attempts and spending a fortune, I found The Sanctuary, and it saved my life.”

Begin Your Journey to a Healthier Tomorrow

There is so much more to your story than alcohol addiction. If you’re troubled by your drinking habits or struggling with alcohol use disorder, help is available near you. At The Sanctuary, you’ll find alcohol counseling, medical care and personalized holistic services designed to break alcohol’s hold over your life. 

Start your journey toward alcohol recovery and regain control of your life from alcohol addiction. Our team of alcohol addiction specialists is dedicated to assisting you in assessing the appropriate level of care and tailoring personalized treatment plans that cater to your specific needs or those of your loved ones. Call us at (866) 750-0763 to speak with our admissions coordinator today. 

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