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Holistic Meth Addiction Treatment Center

Meth addiction is a painful and chaotic emotional roller coaster. This highly addictive substance is easy to become addicted to and difficult to quit. Once a severe meth addiction takes hold, your life transforms in frightening ways.

  • Binging, staying awake, and forgoing food for days on end.
  • The paranoia and dark energies that come in those moments.
  • The crash, withdrawals, and exhaustion that follow.
  • The way your body, your health, and your appearance suffer from neglect.

If you’re struggling with the impact methamphetamine or crystal meth addiction has had on your health, your relationships and your future, we understand how terrible it all feels. We also know how hopeless things can start to seem when you try to stop but can’t. And most importantly, we know how painful a meth addiction can be to overcome. Recovery is the only way to end the chaos and reclaim your future. 


Break Free From Meth Addiction

Table of Contents:

What is Methamphetamine Addiction? | What to Do if You or Someone You Know Has a Meth Addiction | How to Overcome Methamphetamine Addiction | Types of Holistic Meth Treatment

What is Methamphetamine Addiction?

Methamphetamine is an extremely addictive nervous system stimulant. Using meth even once floods your brain with dopamine and radically rewires your reward system, creating an instant craving for the substance. Meth produces an intense high that can involve:

  • Hyper-focus
  • Confidence
  • Euphoria
  • Talkativeness and enhanced performance
  • Increased interest in everything you’re doing

After that first hit, many people are duped into believing nothing else can come close to making them as happy as meth. Because of these effects, a meth high can be especially appealing to those who struggle with depression or social anxiety. But when the high subsides, a crash ensues — which only makes those problems worse. 

Meth comedowns are notoriously hard to endure. Because of the severe symptoms, people in this phase may desperately want to quit using meth. Sadly, the discomfort and fear of withdrawals become too much, and the cycle starts all over again. Meth withdrawal includes symptoms like:

  • Extreme anxiety
  • Physical and mental exhaustion
  • Aches and pains from overexertion
  • Mouth pain and hypersensitivity
  • Confusion
  • Restlessness and agitation
  • Intense cravings
  • Depression
  • Self-harm
  • Suicidal thoughts

What to Do if You or Someone You Know Has a Meth Addiction

Meth addiction takes hold not only in the body and mind but also the spirit. If the deeper causes of it aren’t addressed, it can be challenging to recover. If you or your loved one are in the grip of this cycle, getting help as soon as possible is crucial.

If you have any questions at all about what meth rehab entails, or need help figuring out your logistics, our admissions coordinator is happy to help. We’re committed to helping you feel comfortable from the moment you get in touch. That’s why we personally make sure you have everything you need to get here safely and smoothly.

We know meth addiction is a huge challenge, but you don’t have to deal with it alone. We’ll provide as much support as you need in order to get you the help you’re looking for.

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Overcome Methamphetamine Addiction with Holistic Addiction Treatment

Traditional methamphetamine rehabilitation focuses on getting the meth out of your system — and that’s about it. At The Sanctuary, we see meth recovery as far more than getting sober. We exist to help you find your meaning, passion and purpose. Meth addiction has tried to rob you of who you are. Our treatment program engages every part of your being — your mind, body, soul and spirit — and helps you find excitement in life so using meth loses its appeal.

Holistic treatment understands that humans are not just a collection of independent systems. Instead, each of us is a whole person, made up of multiple, interconnected parts. That means one imbalance can seriously impact numerous levels. Meth addiction goes deeper than physical cravings or psychological dependence — it arrests every area of your life. Our comprehensive, integrative approach to healing helps you move beyond the cycle of recovery and relapse, and into being recovered. To this end, we offer a life-transforming program that goes far beyond just managing symptoms into true, lasting healing.

Our holistic meth addiction treatment program aims to heal you on a deeper level, so you can take your power back from this vicious cycle. We know your future depends on breaking this all-consuming pattern. At The Sanctuary, we help you do just that by:

  • Understanding how meth addiction affects you as a whole person and treating you accordingly
  • Using a variety of clinical and holistic healing therapies to treat your mind, body, soul, and spirit
  • Deeply supporting you through the entire process, from admissions to treatment to aftercare
  • Creating a solid relapse prevention plan to sustain all the changes you make.

Types of Holistic Meth Addiction Treatment

Our holistic non-12 Step treatment for meth addiction takes you on a comprehensive healing journey. For your treatment to be truly holistic, it must integrate the healing process and touch every facet of your life. Our dedicated practitioners specialize in cutting-edge therapies, ancient wisdom traditions and a wide array of complementary treatment techniques, which are blended into a customized treatment plan focused on your unique needs. This strategy ensures your recovery process is comprehensive, optimizing your results and empowering your future.

Here are some methods we use to heal each part of the self.

Therapies for Healing the Mind

As we age, neural networks lock into certain patterns. Coupled with addiction, this can lead to addictive behaviors and negative thought patterns that feel impossible to overcome. Our therapies for the mind encourage brain health and create the potential for change, including:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
  • Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)
  • Acceptance commitment therapy (ACT)
  • Gestalt
  • Brain mapping

Therapies for Healing the Body

Even after meth is cleansed from your system, the trauma of addiction can impact various systems and impede the healing process. Therapies for the body can help restore your body’s natural rhythms and balance.

  • Trauma touch therapy
  • Somatic experiencing (SEP)
  • Trauma release exercises (TRE)
  • Trauma-sensitive yoga
  • Nutrition

Therapies for Healing the Soul

The soul is your core self — the part of you that longs for beauty, connection and belonging. Therapies for the soul are designed to help you reconnect with who you truly are.

  • Holotropic breathwork
  • Guided imagery
  • Music therapy
  • Expressive art therapies

Therapies for Healing the Spirit

The spirit is your energy body. Meth addiction can leave a toxic imprint on your energy field. By releasing toxicities, therapies for the spirit offer clarity and help you better engage with the healing process.

  • Energy medicine
  • Sound healing therapy
  • Eco-therapy
  • Mindfulness meditation

… And more.

What’s more, you’ll also receive at least two private therapy sessions every day. And our small, intimate setting means you always have access to support when you need it. Your 90-day program also includes 60 days of intensive Transition Wellness Coaching, which entails:

  • Implementation of your personalized relapse prevention plan
  • Weekly group individual sessions
  • Recovery skills coaching
  • Addiction science education
  • Connection with local resources for continued support

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How Can Sanctuary at Sedona Help Me?

The Sanctuary at Sedona offers a safe and serene setting where you can learn what it takes to break meth addiction’s hold over your life once and for all. Our integrative, holistic approach helps you feel empowered for the battle ahead.

We know how harrowing meth addiction can be. But we’ve also seen what’s on the other side. That’s because our holistic meth addiction treatment program gives you the tools to better understand yourself, gain real confidence, and sustain your transformation. Our one-of-a-kind holistic approach has served as a turning point for many people struggling with meth addiction and has helped them find total life transformation.

According to one of our former clients:

“I cannot describe enough how much being at The Sanctuary has helped me. I didn’t think the positive changes made were ever going to be possible. Being here saved my life.”

Reclaim Your Future at The Sanctuary

You don’t have to be defined by your past. Instead, you can be defined by who you are and who you are becoming. The first step is to understand the truth — you are, without a doubt, so much more than addiction. If you’re searching for methamphetamine addiction help near you, The Sanctuary wants to be your haven in the storm.

That’s why our 30-day holistic meth addiction treatment program aims to heal you on a deeper level, so you can take your power back from this vicious cycle.

We know your future depends on breaking this all-consuming pattern. At The Sanctuary, we help you do just that, by:

  • Understanding how meth addiction affects you as a whole person and treating you accordingly
  • Using a variety of clinical and holistic healing therapies to treat your mind, body, soul, and spirit
  • Deeply supporting you through the entire process, from admissions to treatment to aftercare
  • Creating a solid relapse prevention plan to sustain all the changes you make.

By reaching out, you open the door to a world of support, guidance, and effective treatment options tailored to your needs. Call us at (866) 750-0763 to speak with our admissions counselor about our personalized treatment for meth addiction.

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