Guide to the Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Guide to the Signs and Symptoms of Depression

Depression is more than feeling sad. It can affect the mind and body in various ways and cause symptoms that interfere with everyday life. If you notice yourself or a loved one experiencing signs and symptoms of depression, there is hope for healing.  Treatment options include natural and medical methods to treat depression symptoms. A […]

Is Trauma Related to Dysfunctional Families? Photo

Is Trauma Related to Dysfunctional Families?

Yes, trauma is often related to dysfunctional families. That can be true at any age. As a child, trauma is often caused by family members, either through action or neglect. And as an adult, you may be drawn to people who remind you of those who hurt you before.  But you don’t have to stay […]

Does Trauma Make You More Susceptible to Addiction?

Does Trauma Make You More Susceptible to Addiction?

Many clients come to us after trying everything they can to stop an addiction. Often, they’ve already been on this journey for years on end. And while it may be the substance use or behavior that prompts them to come to rehab in the first place, what we find under the surface is always unresolved […]

Is Trauma the Root Cause of Addiction Photo

Is Trauma the Root Cause of Addiction?

At The Sanctuary, many of our clients come to us for a problem but find out its cause is what really needs healing. This is often the case with addiction, which always has trauma at its core. As humans, we all suffer from core wounds, and addiction is one strategy for coping with them. But […]

Guide to the Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction

Guide to the Signs and Symptoms of Marijuana Addiction

Cannabis, also known as marijuana, is a psychoactive drug from the plant of the same name. It’s one of the most common illicitly used drugs in the United States due to its pleasurable effects on some users. However, recreational use of marijuana has been associated with physical dependence, withdrawal syndrome and addiction in severe cases.  […]

What is the Correlation Between Trauma and Substance Abuse?

What is the Correlation Between Trauma and Substance Abuse?

Living with trauma can be an excruciating experience. It’s no surprise, then, that many people who have significant trauma use substances to cope. What does surprise some people, though, is that what they thought was one problem – addiction – is actually an expression of something much deeper. Our unresolved traumas and the beliefs we […]

Guide to Anxiety Disorders

  Over 40 million people suffer from anxiety disorders, making it the most common mental health condition in the U.S. While we all experience anxiety from time to time, an anxiety disorder can develop when intense feelings of fear and distress become debilitating. You might suffer from an anxiety disorder if your symptoms interfere with everyday life, […]

Our Admissions Process

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Making the decision to seek addiction treatment takes courage. It’s a decision that can ultimately save your life, but it can be an intimidating challenge. We recognize the courage it takes to seek care for mental health concerns and substance use disorder. Therefore, we do everything we can to make the rehab admissions process as seamless, welcoming and comfortable as possible. The first step is to call us. The […]

What Percentage of People Who Struggle With Addiction Have Trauma?

What Percentage of People Who Struggle With Addiction Have Trauma?

Trauma and addiction are connected. After a traumatic event, your emotional capacity may change. You might have flashbacks, or be triggered by events that remind you of what happened. And in response, you’ll likely develop coping strategies to deal with that sensitivity. For many people, substance use feels like an easy way to manage difficult […]