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Childhood Sexual Abuse Treatment Center

Because of the shame and secrecy surrounding childhood sexual abuse, not many people talk openly about it. But the truth is, it’s far more common than most people realize. It’s estimated that one in three women, and one in five men, experiences some form of sexual trauma before the age of 18.

We find that most of our clients come to us because they’re experiencing some issue that’s reached an unmanageable point. This could present as addiction, depression, anxiety, an eating disorder or another mental health concern. But underneath it all lies a root cause. In most cases, this started during childhood. And sometimes, it occurred in the form of sexual abuse.

The damage from this type of trauma can cause PTSD, intimacy disorders and other consequences that prevent you from being able to fully live your life. That’s why it’s so important to address childhood sexual abuse – and to do so in a comprehensive way that frees you from it once and for all.

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The Sanctuary at Sedona is a 30-Day minimum, residential, alternative, holistic childhood sexual abuse inpatient treatment center. At The Sanctuary, we offer a complete healing journey that takes place in a safe environment. We understand trauma, and the needs you have as someone who’s been traumatized. As such, we make sure to actively involve you and empower you to make decisions about your treatment process.

You deserve to live a vibrant, trauma-free life – and we fully believe that you can.

Table of Contents:

About Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma and How it Can Affect You | Common Signs and Symptoms of Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse | How Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma Can Affect Your Adult Life | How This Trauma Can Affect Your Relationships | What Can I Do if I Suffer From Trauma From Childhood Sexual Abuse

How Does Childhood Sexual Abuse Affect Adulthood?

Sexual abuse has profound impacts on the way children develop mentally, socially and sexually. In this crucial stage of development, we learn how to build healthy relationships and grow our coping skills. And for that learning to happen, we require an environment where we feel safe and loved.

But when we don’t have access to a loving environment, or when a violation like sexual abuse shatters our feelings of safety, our reality is shifted. We get the message that the world is a dangerous place. And this affects the way we see ourselves, interact with others and perceive our future.

If you’re an adult survivor of childhood sexual abuse, you may have disempowering beliefs about yourself that make you behave in self-harming ways. Or, you might be noticing toxic patterns in your relationships. It’s also possible that you’ve found yourself in harm’s way again, because you didn’t have enough knowledge of self-protection to avoid it. If any of these are the case, it’s not your fault – and you’re certainly not alone.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Adult Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse that occurs during childhood can have far-reaching impacts throughout the rest of your life. Symptoms of childhood sexual abuse can include:

  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Depression
  • Shame and guilt
  • Substance abuse and dependence
  • Interpersonal problems
  • Diminished self-worth
  • Difficulty trusting others
  • Intimacy disorders

Despite the profound, long-term impacts of sexual abuse, most people don’t report it. Children who incur this type of abuse are often made to think it was their fault and manipulated into keeping it a secret. Even as adults, survivors often have enduring feelings of shame and self-blame. And this only gets worse when it’s reinforced by social stigma.

That’s why at The Sanctuary, we take such great care to create an environment at our sexual abuse treatment center where you feel comfortable, accepted and free to be yourself.

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How Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma Can Affect Your Adult Life

When children are sexually abused, they don’t understand what’s happening to them, much less how to tell adults about it. Many people carry this secret – and its pain – with them throughout the rest of their lives. This is especially concerning, because unresolved trauma from sexual abuse can have far-reaching effects that prevent you from living a full, happy and healthy life. 

Being sexually abused as a child also increases your likelihood of being victimized again as a teen or an adult. Compared to someone who hasn’t experienced this abuse, chances of another traumatic experience are 35 times greater. This is partly due to the way trauma causes us to form ideas about what normal sexual behavior is, and partly to offenders’ tendency to seek out vulnerable people.

Another, very common response to sexual abuse is avoidance. Especially with abuse that occurred in the distant past, it often seems easier to tell yourself that it wasn’t a big deal; that you’ve forgotten about it; that you’re past it. You might be reluctant to seek treatment because you don’t want to bring up painful memories, or you’re afraid of the emotional consequences of looking into that part of your life again.

As long as your sexual trauma remains unaddressed, it’s continuing to have an impact on you. It’s influencing the way you feel about yourself, how you interact with others and your ability to have fulfilling relationships with fitting partners.

How This Trauma Can Affect Your Relationships

If the abuse you experienced was at the hands of an adult in your life whom you trusted, you may form the perception from a young age that that type of behavior is normal or expected. You might have more age-inappropriate sexual experiences, and be likelier to run into problems with sex and relationships as you grow up.

In sexual relationships, we should feel good and safe. But sometimes a history of childhood sexual abuse prevents us from being able to do that, because:

  • We’ve developed distorted ideas about what intimacy means
  • We haven’t learned how to maintain healthy boundaries
  • Dissociation keeps us from being able to find pleasure in sex
  • PTSD from childhood trauma
  • Negative self-views prevent us from being present with others
  • Feeling unsafe makes us unable to trust others

Our first experiences of sex form our basic ideas of how sex is supposed to be. So, if you were made to believe that it’s shameful and wrong, it’s understandable that you’d find sex hard to enjoy.

Even if this took place long ago, it can carry over into adult relationships. And more often than not, this happens on a subconscious level. We may see the problems arising in our lives, but not know exactly where they’re coming from. Which is why treating sexual abuse with therapy that addresses it on multiple levels is so important.

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What Can I Do if I Suffer From Trauma From Childhood Sexual Abuse?

The first step to healing from childhood sexual abuse-related trauma is to find a place where you feel safe to do so. Trauma makes us extra-sensitive, and in order to truly open up, you need to feel seen, heard and understood. It’s also important to do this in a compassionate environment, because the process of treating trauma can be challenging. During times when you’re feeling vulnerable or challenged by deeply held issues, it’s good to have a network you can rely on for support.

How to Break Free from Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma Through Holistic Trauma Treatment

Most of us have childhood trauma of some kind. It often shows up in our adult lives in ways that can be difficult to understand. But a complete, holistic trauma treatment program can give you the tools you need to look inside yourself and start making sense of what you see.

At The Sanctuary, we walk you through a deeply healing holistic trauma treatment for sexual abuse that includes:

  • Immersion in a serene natural setting to help ease your tensions
  • Body-based therapies to release physically stored trauma
  • Recovery-centered nutrition and supplements to heal your brain from the effects of trauma
  • Energy medicine to reach deeper levels of your consciousness
  • Psychological therapies to help you process what you’re experiencing

One former client describes The Sanctuary as:

“A wonderful, healing, supportive environment for my journey.”

Act Now and Get Well at Our Childhood Sexual Abuse Trauma Recovery Center

There’s no doubt that addressing the trauma caused by childhood sexual abuse is challenging. But being aware of your wounds is actually a powerful first step. If you can see that your trauma is affecting your ability to live your life, you know it’s time to get help. And with that help comes a new possibility to find happiness and to have the relationships you want with yourself and the people you love.

So many people have come to The Sanctuary feeling like hope was lost. But they leave feeling empowered to start a whole new life. Here’s what some of our previous clients say about their experience:

“The Sanctuary offers an incredible program. The staff are clearly present, available and deeply invested in everyone who comes to do their work here. The practitioners use their own experience to connect with clients and hold space for truth and understanding while simultaneously pushing them to grow. Everyone who works here has a unique gift that is essential to the vitality and love that surround the space. The integrated care provided here is truly unique. I hope this program is able to grow and touch the lives of those who need it. I am eternally grateful to all of you.”

“The Sanctuary gave me every opportunity and resource I needed to learn, grow and evolve as a person. The staff top to bottom does an incredible job making sure that your stay is not only healing but safe and extremely comfortable. And fun!”

“A place to heal your mind, body and soul. Being reborn into a new life of unlimited possibilities.”

You’re not destined for a life of struggle. New possibilities are waiting for you – contact us online to learn more or call us at (866) 750-0763 to speak with a counselor today about our sexual abuse treatment program.

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