The subconscious often impacts the conscious, including decisions and actions people take every day. Depth psychology attempts to understand the subconscious and why people make particular choices. By uprooting hidden pains and beliefs, those who struggle with addiction or mental conditions like depression can find long-lasting relief. Ready to start healing? Call us at (866) 750-0763 to speak with a counselor.

What Is Depth Psychology?
Eugen Bleuler developed the idea of depth psychology in the early 20th century as a psychology professor at the University of Zürich and the director of the Burghölzli Asylum. This psychological approach focuses on the unconscious. Bleuler saw the human being as divided, with some thoughts, feelings, wishes and memories available only beneath the surface. Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung later expanded these ideas.
This psychological method studies dreams, slips of the tongue, meaningful coincidences and interpersonal communication to understand the subconscious. Therapists who practice depth psychology help clients allow repressed, denied or ignored feelings to come forward. As patients understand the significance of these hidden feelings and memories, they can incorporate this knowledge into their lives to bring about positive changes.
Advantages of Depth Psychology
There are many benefits of depth psychology, especially since it is a longer-lasting and more profound approach to treatment. It goes deeper than cognitive or behavior psychologies alone, uncovering hidden emotional concerns, trauma or issues patients don’t fully understand. This technique can help people struggling with depression, anxiety, relationship issues and sexual compulsions.
Rather than focusing on one specific, visible issue, this approach looks at all conscious and subconscious emotions to help patients develop increased self-awareness. Those who undergo treatment using depth therapy feel a greater sense of their authentic self and increased liberation from their concerns.

Approaches Used in Depth Psychology
Depth psychology often uses individual therapy sessions to form a deep bond between a therapist and the person in treatment. This one-on-one approach allows more personal attention in order to develop strong trust and acceptance. During private sessions, therapists may use techniques such as:
- Guided and eidetic imagery: A therapist guides their patient through early memories, focusing on developing the complete sensory experience. By exploring these past experiences, patients can learn what led to the unconscious beliefs they now hold. As patients explore these memories, therapists offer caring support.
- Role-playing future scenarios: This approach allows patients to explore what might happen with increasingly complicated scenarios as the therapist accepts the new behaviors and ways of thinking that patients may exhibit.
- Socratic questioning: A therapist asks gentle but difficult questions to pinpoint where patients use their unconscious to make decisions. As treatment progresses, therapists may ask patients to think more critically about their answers to guide their choices through the conscious rather than the unconscious.
Addiction Recovery With Depth Psychology
Those struggling with addiction often have unconscious thoughts and feelings contributing to their dependence on a substance. Therapists can help uncover social, cultural or personal narratives people have been taught from a young age that impact how they interact with the world. Addiction is a symptom of more significant psychological issues. By uncovering and addressing these issues, those struggling with addiction can find long-lasting relief.
Comprehensive Therapy From The Sanctuary
By focusing on underlying beliefs and emotions through techniques like depth psychology, therapists at The Sanctuary at Sedona can help patients understand why addiction develops. With this understanding, patients can seek more profound healing. To learn more about treatment at The Sanctuary, contact us online or call us at (866) 750-0763 today.